The Ultimate Kogin Collection: Projects and Patterns for Counted Sashiko Embroidery ペーパーバック

Discover the beautiful Japanese pattern darning technique kogin and how it can be used to create stunning stitched and quilted projects. Kogin is a variation of the popular Japanese embroidery technique sashiko and is rapidly becoming as popular as its 'big sister'.
Japanese embroidery expert, Susan Briscoe, has compiled a collection of over 60 pattern charts - kogin is a counted embroidery technique - and 12 accompanying projects to create The Ultimate Kogin Collection, following on from her previous title The Ultimate Sashiko Sourcebook.
The projects range from small and very accessible items such as simple greetings cards and coasters to larger projects including wall hangings and table runners.
日本の刺繍の専門家であるスーザンブリスコは、前作The Ultimate Sashiko Sourcebookに続いて、60種以上の図案コレクションと12のこぎん作品を発表しました。作品は、シンプルなグリーティングカードやコースターなどの小さくて非常にアクセスしやすいアイテムから、壁掛けやテーブルランナーを含む大きなものにまで及びます。
- 出版社: David and Charles (2019/7/2)
- 言語: 英語
- 発売日: 2019/7/2